Private Art Collection “Mining and Industry”

Germany’s largest collection on the subject of mining and industry is going up for auction at HISTORIA Auctionata in Berlin – a highly exciting and burgeoning theme for collectors and art-interested investors!

We’ve already introduced you to some of the highlights of the upcoming 166th auction on our website, and on Facebook and Instagram. However, from the auctioneers’ perspective, the most interesting highlight has been saved for last:

We have acquired for you what is probably the largest collection on the theme of industry and mining in the German-speaking region. In the sculpture and painting sections of the 19th/20th century of the 166th auction, you will find a first, tempting selection, with more to follow in the new year. This well-organized Berlin private collection, passionately compiled over decades, is so extensive that we had to divide it due to time and space constraints.

We wish you a lot of fun bidding and an exciting auction!

Your auction team at HISTORIA Auctionata