Private Art Collection “Mining and Industry”

Germany’s largest collection dedicated to mining and industry is coming up for auction at HISTORIA Auctionata in Berlin – an incredibly exciting and burgeoning theme for collectors and art-interested investors!

On our website, as well as on Facebook and Instagram, we’ve already presented some highlights of the upcoming 166th auction. But from the auctioneers’ perspective, we’ve saved the most interesting highlight for last:

We’ve had the privilege of acquiring what is arguably the most extensive collection on the subject of industry and mining in the Germany. In the categories of sculpture and paintings 19th/20th centuries, you’ll already find an enticing selection in the 166th auction, with more to follow in the next auction in the new year. This well-curated Berlin private collection, passionately assembled over decades, is so extensive that, for reasons of time and space, we had to divide it.

This is undoubtedly a collector’s field that you don’t come across too frequently, but it serves as a reflection of German history and industrial culture. It’s a young, emerging theme with a long tradition, and it’s precisely within this context that the immense potential of this collection lies.

Please register in advance to participate in the bidding:

We wish you lots of fun during the bidding process and an exciting auction!

Your Auction Team at HISTORIA Auctionata