Lot: 8732

Date of sale: 26. Sat Aug 2023

ELAN driving trainer, training


Start price: EUR 100

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

ELAN driving trainer, training device for student drivers, GDR probably 1970s/80s, plastic, metal, imitation leather, consisting of car simulator approx. 125 x 180 x 100 cm, projector, screen and driving recorder for documenting and evaluating driving behavior, on film screen was projected recording of a road trip from the point of view of the driver, all actions of the student driver (steering movements, accelerating, braking, etc.) influenced the film sequence, in addition to this, the car simulator was projected from the point of view of the driver.) influenced the film sequence, in addition traffic compass film reels in tin cans, various brochures for road user training for teachers as well as teaching brochures for students. Function not tested. No shipping, only pickup on site in Döberitz after prior bank transfer and registration, no payment on site possible.

Category: GDR Museum